Camping Spain
 1 comment on Camping Caravaning Playa de Arija (es)Write - Print  

minimum / average / maximumReception10 / 10 / 10Cleanness8 / 8 / 8Security10 / 10 / 10
Nature10 / 10 / 10Activities9 / 9 / 9Services9 / 9 / 9Accommodation9 / 9 / 9

john - 67 years old - couple - United Kingdom
 Stay : April 2010 - 7 days - added 12.05.2010
 Strengths : Strongly recommend this beautiful rural site. Really enjoyed our stay. The scenary outstanding. Position with its own private lake and beach wonderful. Notice they have mobile homes for sale. May return to buy one !
 Weakness :
Reception : 10
Cleanness : 8
Security : 10
Activities : 9
Services : 9
Accommod. : 9
Nature : 10

© 2004 Camping Spain